Thursday, July 2, 2015

What's My Biggest Selling Item on Etsy?

What's my biggest selling item from Ellie Marie Designs?  Amazingly it's these plain brown kraft tags.  I started out with a set of 25.  A potential customer sent me a message and asked if I could do 200.  200?  What does anyone want with 200 plain brown tags?  Doesn't matter really.  I can do 200.

Three years and thousands of tags later, I'm still selling them.  I've done several sizes from 1.5 - 5.5.  The 3.5 is the most popular.  And I've done anywhere from 25 to 2,000.  They've gone all over the world from Hawaii to New Zealand.
So what do people do with these tags anyway?  Mostly, they don't tell me.  I know that some have been used for:

*Escort labels at weddings

*Price tags for brick and mortar stores

*Etsy sellers gift tags.  

*DIY Christmas tags

*Yard sale price tags


Need some plain brown tags?  Visit my shop!  I can also make a custom listing for special sizes, quantities and even colors.

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