Saturday, June 27, 2015

Why Do I Sell Paper Products?

Trying to decide what to sell in my Esty shop was not too hard.  I am not really super talented in the area of arts and crafts.  When I was about 16, I took a macrame class.  I really enjoyed that and did quite well with it.  Then I tried toll painting, decoupage, stenciling, cake decorating, cross stitch, sewing, plastic canvas and whatever else was new.  It was always a colossal failure.  It wasn't any good or it was too messy, too expensive.  Some projects took too long and I lost interest.

Then scrapbooking came along.  Someone compared it to making bulletin boards, but on a much smaller scale.  Well.  I'm a teacher.  Bulletin boards I can do.

When we were in Romania, I started a scrapbooking ministry with the ladies there.  They had seen my scrapbooks and I thought it would be fun to get the supplies and show them how to make them. It was a fun way to reach out and fellowship!  When we left the country, I gave away a lot of my supplies.  But I still had a bunch that we brought back to the US.

So when I considered what to sell on Ellie Marie Designs,  I was inspired by the prophet Elisha in the Old Testament. He asked the widow who was in great need of making some money, "What do you have in the house?"  What did I have in my house?  Stacks of scrapbooking supplies.

Do you sell on Etsy?  How did you decide what to sell?

1 comment:

  1. I guess it was the same for me, although I never realized it before. I had the vintage laces, doilies, etc. at home and wanted to repurpose them. Etsy was the vehicle to transfer to others who would love them as well. The first item I ever made from them (vintage guest towels) was a "born again" angel. She was once something ordinary, perhaps even dirty but now she was a new creature (2 Cor.5:17)
